Comments on: We are the 99% Rising Up Without Burning Out Wed, 22 Feb 2012 13:24:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Oz99pc Wed, 22 Feb 2012 13:24:48 +0000 I am university qualified and have experience in multiple industries. I have survived rape, emotional abuse and threats to my life since my infancy. I even managed to survive the mental illness due to luck and my own hard work when I was put on anti-psychotics for years. Eventually, even though I had no attention span, no government or family income support, and only ate twice per week until I got a part time job (that lasted more than two weeks) which I barely kept while I was still being traumatised at home and by my past, I got to the final year of my degree. I finally left an abusive situation, only to rent a property where the landlord had been dead for a year and the estate agent decided that they wouldn’t tell me about it. I spent the term of my lease fending off banks and government departments as they fussed around over probate and who was supposed to pay the mortgage – me, it seems. I then spent a year in court, lost my job, the chance of doing post grad (and therefore becoming fully employable in my field) and all my work was in vain. The court decided I had no right to disclosure and took most of my bond, and I didn’t have enough money to even apply for appeal, and even so called legal aid wouldn’t represent me. I’m not on the streets now is because our government paid stimulus packages right when I needed a bond, and because I managed to (finally) get some government benefits, and someone to share my rent with. We barely survive in this situation. My depression continues to deepen, and we cannot escape it. I have been saving for the last few years to see a counsellor and although I probably need therapy every week, I’m probably going to get it twice before I have to quit it, yet again. This is even if our government keeps the so called ‘better access’ rebate. In short, I am unemployed and sick because of other people – including government departments. Corporations and the state are directly involved in my exploitation and suffering.

Occupy – simply knowing you exist is keeping me alive at the moment. Thank you!

“I am reacting naturally to an unnatural situation”

By: Meri Fri, 03 Feb 2012 20:41:32 +0000 So many of us are struggling yet those in power continue not to listen. I wish Americans could come together and support each other, but mostly what I see in my own life is a dog-eat-dog philosophy. Everyone thinks they’re going to “make it” someday and if you’re struggling it must be your fault. I don’t have a picture but I do have a video of my own situation here:

I make videos and started a podcast supporting the occupy movement, but I’m still just a paycheck away from being homeless. Sadly, I don’t have it in me to commit suicide, so all that’s left is to get politically active.

I truly believe there is a conspiracy taking place. Our politicians know we are suffering, but they just don’t care. They only care about their corporate constituents.

By: Bryhre Kim Cormack Sun, 11 Dec 2011 17:38:46 +0000 Thankyou for all your work, your passion, your determination and your integrity. You stand in my world as real models of the resistance and direct action that is possible. Our people and our world need you.

